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Women's Halfway
Let's talk. Call us today.
To be considered for admission to Good Works Life Recovery House, the following criteria must be met:
* Female
* Have a substance use disorder
* Age 21 or older
* Speak English
* Meet additional criteria required by DDAP
(Department of Drug & Alcohol of Pennsylvania)
* Willing to participate in our Treatment Program.
General admission hours are weekdays from 9am-4pm.
Collaborative Therapies
* Reality Therapy (William Glasser)
* Client Centered Therapy (Carl Rogers)
* Thomas Gorsky (Relapse Prevention)
* Self In Relation Model( Dr. Jean Baker Miller)
* Temperament Therapy (NCCA/Arno)
* 12-Step / Recovery Therapies
* Spirituality and Faith in God
Criteria for Admission
Email your referral!

Good Works Life Recovery House
102 Old Wynn Rd
Uniontown, PA 15401
Office Hours: M-F 8am-4pm
Call: 724-564-0159
Fax: 724-564-2081
All staff members adhere to Pennsylvania’s Department of Drug and Alcohol Program’s staffing requirements for Drug and Alcohol Treatment Activities.
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