Women's Halfway
We offer a treatment program lasting up to six months.
During this time, clients will focus on themselves, and their recovery.
GWLRH uses a variety of resources to aid in our residents’ recovery:
Church | While in treatment, clients will attend worship services of their choice on a weekly basis. Services are typically on Sunday mornings, although there are some mid-week services. Church becomes a normal part of their routine, which then makes it easier for continued church attendance to occur once treatment has ended.
Life Recovery Meeting | This is a Christ-centered 12-step program/meeting developed and proven as a spiritual guide to recovery. These meetings are designed to put focus on Christ as the One who assists them in working the steps to recovery. Meetings are each Tuesday at 7pm within our own building.
12-Step Meetings | Recovery meetings are available on site 3 days a week. Clients may be required to attend meetings off site throughout the week.
Weekly Bible Study | Clients will participate in a weekly Bible study that addresses the issues that face a believer in recovery... Identity, Purpose, and Vision.
Individual Therapy | Each client is assigned a counselor who develops individualized treatment plans with mutually determined goals. Clients will participate in individual sessions weekly and whenever needed. During this times personal issues, client needs and Treatment Team concerns will be addressed.
Meetings and Participation | Clients are expected to attend support group meetings several times a week. This includes but is not limited to Community Meetings, individual therapy sessions, and daily group sessions to ensure each client receives the most therapeutic benefits possible awhile at GWLRH. Group participation allows the clients to see that they are not alone in their addiction. Stories of struggle and victory are shared, and a sense of community and support is developed. Clients begin to learn how to support others, AND how to be supported by others in an interdependent way.
Traditional Groups | Classes on practical, useful topics such as Life Skills, Relapse Prevention, Addiction Education, Temperament Therapy, Bible Study, Yoga, Nutrition, Art, and even Drumming!
Daily Meditation / Wrap Up | Clients start their day with morning meditation, prayer and worship. This allows them the opportunity to be intentionally thoughtful about what God has showed them, what direction He would have them to focus on, and areas of needed attention. This is also a time of praise to show gratitude for what God has and will bring them through.
Employment | Being meaningfully employed and fiscally responsible is a foundation of our program, and a piece of preparedness for a sober life.
Clients of the
Life Recovery House
must meet the following conditions:
* Minimum of 21 days clean/sober
* Agree to adherence to GWLRH rules, regulations, and policies, including all requirements listed in the House Rules, as well as specific directives given by staff members
* Attendance of weekly house meetings, and weekly off-site recovery/12-step meetings
* Participation in at least one of the following during the period of residence: work, school, outpatient therapy, or community service
* Continual participation in a 12-Step program of recovery under a sponsor’s guidance
* Consent to regular, random drug and alcohol testing
* All clients must be out of bed by 7am, beds made and rooms cleaned by 8am
* Chores are given out weekly by staff supervisor
* Participate in our Three Phase program of treatment
May 7, 2015
DDAP and Health Release Joint Statement on PA Coroners’ Overdose Death Statistics Report
Harrisburg, PA –
The Departments of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) and Health (DOH) today issued a joint statement about the Pennsylvania Coroner’s Association report issued yesterday on Overdose Death Statistics for 2014.
According to the report, in 2014 nearly 2,489 individuals have died as a result of drug-related overdose deaths, showing a 20 percent increase from the prior year.